Monday, November 24, 2008


Nevin in Daddy's "BIG TRUCK"
Kalei and Emeri on their Cheer Night for the Florence Huskies
All 4 of them on Cheer night for the Florence Huskies. Florence, Colorado (10 minutes from Canon City) made it to the playoffs in football this year. They had a little pep rally for them the night before their first playoff game. The girls got to perform cheers and a dance for them. Then they announced every player and they cheered for them. It was very cute. Just to remind you that Kalei has a crush on #2 for this team so she was ALL excited to cheer for him. We followed this team more because Cody played football with 4 of the coaches. We may end up moving to Florence when we buy a house. Florence is a HUGE football town!! Also they win state every year in Softball. Which Kalei is starting to play on Monday nights. Right now they are just doing fundamentals then the games/tournaments start in May. Which adds to our BUSY schedule already.

Well I hope everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving. Eat and enjoy the time with your family. We are headed to Amarillo on Wednesday and staying until Saturday/Sunday.

I did NOT do laundry ALL day on Friday just to turn around and do ALL again today because we are going out of town on Wednesday.
I am NOT at all excited that we get to head out of town to see family.
My birthday is NOT on Wednesday (the day we are traveling) I don't want to travel on my birthday. Oh well guess I have to make the best of it.
I did NOT have the self-induced flu on Saturday because I did NOT get carried away on a few adult beverages on Friday night. NOT me...that would be very irresponsible of me.
I did NOT sleep all day on Saturday just to go back to bed around 8:00 that night after all the kids were in bed and the house was at least picked up. After all I did accomplish that.
I am NOT waking up on Black Friday just to go spend my b-day money. Not me...that would be selfish. Don't worry I AM buying presents for the kids.
Hope you enjoyed and again have a HAPPY TURKEY DAY!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Another Monday!! Go check out other Not Me's at Mckmama's blog. It's so great to post the things we did not do!! I don't have many but here are a few.

I did NOT make this yummy recipe for our Thanksgivng dinner last night at church and I did not (no really did not) even get to take them to the dinner because they were not done. Maybe there will NOT be a next time to take them that I will be a little more prepared!

I did NOT realize last night my SEVEN year old has the biggest crush on a MUCH OLDER boy at church. He is the quarter back for a football team that we go watch often. She comes home last night and asked me "Mom do you think #2 likes me?" OH NO she did NOT just say that??? She calls him #2 (she knows his name but thinks saying that is easier, that his is football #) I told her that she is WAY to young to be worried about that already. Which by the way they are 10 years apart. NOT me...I can't have a SEVEN y/o already boy crazy.

We did NOT have the most busy weekend this weekend and I'm NOT totally exhausted from it all.

I was NOT in bed ON a Saturday night by 8:30. NOT me...that is getting way old in age.

I did NOT laugh sooo hard at this commercial on Friday.

Finally, I am NOT so freaked out that it will be Thanksgiving next Thursday and Christmas is around the corner. NOT me...I love the holidays!!.

One more....We did NOT just move here almost 1 year ago. Where did time go????

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not Me Monday (Early)

I am posting Not me Monday early because tomorrow is going to filled with loads and loads of laundry that NEEDS to be done! If you don't know already who was the wonderful creator of this you can skip on over to Mckmama/Mckmiracle and read the other Not Me's; well just reading she may or may not post Not Me's tomorrow. And that is okay with me, she has her hands full with 4 little ones now. Their little "MckMiracle/Mckmuffin" was born and PRAISE GOD for ALL the prayers that were answered. We serve an amazing God!! He does great things in our lives and I couldn't go forward without having him in my life.
The other night I did NOT forget to turn off the light to twins bedroom after tucking them in bed and then heard Nevin crying and then yell at him to go to sleep. Normally they cry when I turn out lights not leave lights on. SILLY ME

I did NOT feed the kids waffles for lunch one day because it's what they wanted and I didn't feel like making anything else.
I do NOT have 9 loads of laundry to wash, fold and put away.

I did NOT realize that my vacuum may have been broken for a long time before Thursday. It runs like a champ now that I have replaced the belt. I am NOT a handy woman around here that would be wrong for me to be one!!

My youngest girl did NOT throw the biggest fit Friday morning when I was getting her ready to put the Minnie Mouse dress on her to go to the "Fall Fest" at her sisters school. I did NOT give into her and put another cheer outfit on her just to make her happy.

Later on that day I did NOT ask hubby to put it on her just to see if she threw a fit. She did NOT just stand there and let him put it on her without a fit (NO fit was thrown). I was NOT so mad when she did that.

I did NOT think that Emeri was the cutest "Go Go girl" EVER!!

My Go Go Girl

My Go Go Girl and Minnie Mouse

Finally, I did NOT almost hit a huge dear (buck) while leaving a message for my friend and scream right in the middle of the message instead of hanging up and driving. Instead I did NOT just ramble on and on and on about me almost hitting the dear. Then I laughed SO hard I was NOT crying because of the silly message I just left her and so scared that I came so close to hitting that huge thing.

Hope you enjoyed! Have a blessed week!

My Spider-Man
My Hannah Montana