Monday, April 21, 2008


What has taking me so long to get a pedicure?? Yesterday was my very first one and man was it nice!!! Now if I can just get my toenails to grow longer I will be good! We all know I never get out by myself without kids and yesterday was a much needed break. I was sitting in church yesterday and looked down at my feet....and yuck, I had rough hills that needed some love!! I just think that is gross and sorry people if I offended you. So we get home after church and I told Cody that I was going to Pueblo by myself. He didn't have a problem with that. I told him if I wasn't home by 7:00 then to give the kids a bath and put them to bed. Yeah that didn't go over so well but still he didn't care what I did as long as he didn't have to go anywhere. I get in the car thinking I was headed to Pueblo to go to Sams Club and Target....well it was sooooo quiet in the car that I didn't want to make that 30 min drive there. Instead I went to Walmart and got a pedicure at the nail place there then did grocery shopping. I sat there for atleast 3 hours but didn't care...I was getting a pedicure. They were really busy. I think that is going to be my every 2 week thing now because it was sooooo nice! Yeah my toes look wonderful and my feet are better looking with out the rough hills!!