So I haven't posted anything in a while, but man I have to release some anger and sickness. I haven't watched the weather in awhile but I look at to see what the temp will be. Saw that they were forcasting "preceptitation" so that means snow for us. With the way the temps are here yeah it's always snow. So I am thinking yeah right, the past couple of storms they predicted have not happened and have not gotten any "precipitation". As I am putting the kids in the bath it starts to snow really heavy. Coming down like crazy and kept coming until I went to bed at 11 and I was thinking to myself that it was 85 on Tuesday. I woke up this morning with 3.8 inches on the ground. FRUSTRATING when it's suppose to be spring and be pretty. Not the case for Colorado. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Colorado but the snow is never going to end. Wouldn't be surprised if we get snow in June...LOL.
I get up this morning and get Kalei ready for school, running late as usual and decide to throw flip flops on. Luckily it didn't stick to the cement, only grass and rocks. So I really didn't have to walk through snow. I started scrapping my car off with a broom and that's when my feet were freezing. The snow was falling on my feet. Burrr it was cold. Get Kalei to school just fine and on time barely. Then about noon the sun came out and melted all the snow. 3:00 rolls around get in my car to go get Kalei and look at my windshield. My heart sank into the windshield was cracked. I was so devestated and wanted to cry. Out of all the cars I have had, none were cracked. I felt sooooo sick to my stomach I want to just go back home. I didn't even know there were nicks in my windshield much less this to happen. My nice bus is not so nice anymore with a cracked windshield. It's only 2 years old and it's depreciated even more now. Totally sucks and don't know if I want to get it replaced because with the way this weather is in CO it will just happen again.
This is just my pity party for my car with a cracked windshield....oh well! Pictures of what it looked like this morning.
Hey! The last snowfall/cold snap cracked my windshield too. Fortunately for me, the crack is at the bottom of the windshield.
Oh, and one year, it snowed around Mother's Day. Not to put a damper on things... just to let you know.
The cold weather cracked my winshield last year in Arkansas too, now we really have ALMOST matching vehicles!!! The weather will get better..hopefully soon.. keep your head up!!! I am sure i will be jealous of your great weather this summer when it is a scortching 100 degrees here in north Texas!!!! Love you!!
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