My poor Nevin fell off of the bleachers Saturday night at Cody's football game just right after we got there. We maybe were there 30 minutes before he fell. The bleachers weren't very tall but he was on the second from top when he fell. He fell straight back on his head, so I jump down to see if he was okay and saw that there was a rock IN his head. I can't deal with head blood/trauma on my own children. It makes me sick to my stomach. When I saw that it was worse than I thought, there was a girl that was down there with me and I told her I can't she is gonna have to take him. I told myself that I needed to suck it up and deal with him and the head blood. She starts yelling for a medic. Good thing that there was a medic there because she told me to take him in ASAP. So I start to panic and think the worse. I leave Kalei and Emeri there with the coaches wife and me and Jen (the girl that held Nevin when I couldn't)hop in the car and go to the ER. Man it was amazing we were in there and out within a hour. That is a record ER visit. AWESOME!! They took x-rays to make sure that it wasn't in farther than we thought and it wasn't. They numbed his head and cleaned it up and man it was nasty. The rock was huge to be in that little head. It was flush with his head, like it was pushed in there. They removed the rock and there was a indention the size of the rock. Poor little guy he cried the whole time and cried even more when they put a staple in his head. I picked him up, he calmed down and he was tired of being there. He looked at me and said "BYE BYE" We laughed and said he is back to normal!! BEWARE OF PICS....KIND OF NASTY It is just a pic of what it looked like today and the rock. The rock looks really huge (it is multiplied a little)in the pic but we did keep it as his little souvenir. He's proud of it!!
Quinn - 24 Months
7 years ago
Poor Nevin...sweet boy...It's hard when it's any child but your own is worst...but it won't be the last...sorry many more to to all Robin
What a big boy! Poor little guy! I am so glad it was not too bad.
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