Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Twins!!

WOW...time flies by so fast. Nevin and Averi turn 2 today. Seems like yesterday I found out that we were having twins. We had just a little birthday for them on Saturday. My parents came to town and we drove to Colorado Springs to have a party at Chuck E Cheese. Well since it was just going to be us and my parents I did not reserve any spot for a party. No need to! We got to Chuck E Cheese about 1:00 thinking that would be a good time to go because the lunch crowd would be phased out. Um not this case.....the line was out the door to get checked in and there was no parking. I was soooo bummed and felt really bad because we ended up not going in. Kalei and Emeri were so upset because we did not get to go so I told them we would come back over spring break which is next week. We ended up eating lunch at Macaroni Grill which was awesome food and having their cake and opening presents at home. Averi was sick on Saturday and I think if we went in to Chuck E Cheese she would have been MISERABLE. She slept through lunch and I had to hold her and eat at the same time. Hopefully in the future I will plan things better. This year their birthday came so fast! It's been a rough year with all of them being sick.

For their birthday, they got clothes from my Mom and MeMa and they are the cutest clothes. Having pictures made in them because Kalei and Emeri got the same outfit as Averi (so look our for that posting!). From Cody and I they got ride on things. Averi's is a Pooh Airplane and Nevin got a ride on 4-wheeler. Of course they fight over just one and it's the airplane....go figure!!


Jenifer said...

Wow, I can not beleive they are already 2. I hate that you guys did not get to go to Chuck E Cheese, but it sounds like they had a great birthday anyway. We got Charcey a ride thing for her is a pink power wheels.

timmons said...

It is hard to believe that they are 2...Hope to see you sometime this summer when we go to the cabin...We love you all very much
Give them all hugs and kisses
David & Robin