This year was the first year Emeri could play soccer. They were called the "Kneekickers". It was just a bunch of kids and they just did drills with them. Then the end of the season, they scrimmaged. It was cute seeing Emeri out there.
Then Nevin and his football OBSESSION. This boy HAS to wear something football EVERYDAY. If I would let him he would wear his Charger's jersey everyday. Every shirt I buy for this kid, I have to make sure it's football because if I dare put another shirt on him that doesn't have football, he will throw a FIT. It's pretty cute somedays but on others it's just frustrating. One morning we were just taking Kalei to the bus stop and he saw a football shirt that he HAD to wear. We were headed out the door and he wanted to take his PJ's off and put this shirt on. I told him that it was cold outside and he couldn't just wear the shirt. He threw a fit so I just put his shirt on over his pj's. He was happy with that and out the door we went. He is to funny. He wants to watch football 24/7 so I have to turn it on NFL Network so he can watch some kind of football.
I tried uploading a video but it wouldn't work. Going to have to work on that.
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