Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love/Hate Fall

Love Fall:
It's not to hot and not to cold (Well somedays living in Colorado)
The trees are BEAUTIFUL when they change color
Holidays are getting closer
Football Season
Volleyball games start
Hate Fall:
Getting the flu
Getting colds
Getting strep
We are only on the 7th day of October and 3 out of the 6 of us has been sick already. Copays to the dr when you have 4 kids are not cheap. Then perscriptions...yeah those aren't cheap either. Thank goodness for medical insurance. Twins are sick today..running fever of 104. Emeri was sick over weekend. Went to dr yesterday and the strep culture was negative but with Emeri's past experiences, they are treating her with antibiotics anyways. Not sure of what this nasty virus is but it needs to go away. I pray that my immune system is stronger than theirs because I don't have time to be sick. I pray for this season to be better than last.